Last updated
Last updated
Token Address: 0xEf425A181893Fa71DE650c5E8995E34eE56637e8
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 TROLL BNB
Tokens for Presale: 326,700,000,000,000 TROLL BNB
Tokens for Liquidity: 158,286,150,000,000 TROLL BNB Listing On: Pancakeswap Tokens for Cex Listings & Marketing : 15,000,000,000,000 TROLL BNB # 10% BUY-SELL TAX 50% of the total supply will be burnt & send to a dead address at launched.
4% of each transaction automatically distributed to all holders.
1% from each transaction automatically creating liquidity that is sent to the dead address and locked forever. This forms an increasingly higher price floor for investors.
1% of each transaction automatically burns, which decreases the circulating supply exponentially as the percentage of the dead address holding grows.
4% of each transaction is divided into development and marketing wallet.